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Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is a short-term, goal-focused, and evidence-based therapeutic approach. It incorporates positive psychology principles and practices and helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems.

In this 2-hour interactive continuing education presentation for mental health clinicians, Dr. Mollie Innocent-Cupid, LCSW will cover both assessment and intervention for clients of all ages. Therapist participants will learn the foundation of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), the key principles of its theory, and the differences between SFBT and other common treatment approaches. This interactive training will include case examples and experiential prompts to apply assessment and intervention skills. The goal of this training is for participants to leave feeling confident and prepared to apply SFBT effectively in their clinical practice.

This introductory level continuing education webinar is designed to help mental health professionals:

  1. Identify key differences between Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and other common approaches to mental health treatment.

  2. Describe at least two solutions-focused interventions (e.g. experiment invitations, searching for exceptions, previous solutions, compliments).

  3. Explain how to manage progress using scaling.

Statement of program material's accuracy, utility, and risks: This training is based on the theories established by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is recognized as an evidence-based treatment modality at a global level. References will be provided to participants.

January 17

Decolonizing Mental Health (Training)

May 3

Taking an Intergenerational Approach to Healing