Traditional methods of capturing demographic data fail to capture the nuanced identity and experiences of Black Immigrants. Often viewed as “invisible immigrants,” mental health providers tend to miss a critical opportunity to better understand the lived experience by understanding the racial/ethnic identity salience of this population. For many individuals, their ethnicity colors the way they view themselves, and in turn interact with the world. It also colors the way in which they interact with the mental health world: from a lens of stigma, a spiritual lens and/or a medicalization of the human experience.
Research shows that over time, and through generations, Black Immigrants tend to experience poorer mental health outcomes. This talk encourages us to lean into the stories of the Black Diaspora, utilize the client lens to empower clients from a strength-based perspective, while validating their experience. Through this discussion, providers will better understand the protective factors and resilience that is possible as we utilize a narrative approach to help support healing.